Photographer Focus: Helena Pogreb Carter
The moment I saw Helena's photography it was love at first sight. She's a master of composition, often placing her subjects in interestingly obscure and beautiful locations. Therefore it shouldn't surprise you that she's actually an architect, go figure. Pattern and repetition are her best friends. Check her out on Flickr, and read a brief Q&A with the artist below.
name Helena Pogreb Carter
location Odessa, Ukraine
random fact about yourself I'm a 23 year old architect, painter and photographer. I have started shooting 2 years ago.
favorite subject matter to shoot I have an architectural education. And I certainly prefer to create a symbiosis between people and geometry. My main mission is to show how it can be beautiful and natural. I try to make a special atmosphere in my pictures.
photographers you admire Brooke Shaden
what makes a great photo naturality, unusual composition and a simple idea.
what makes a terrible photo unnaturality
why do you love photography It's possible to see the world with another's eyes.