Supreme F/W 2011 First Releases

At every new season launch the line at Supreme stretches down the street and around the corner.  This season the line was not only exceptionally long, but continued for several days after the initial release because some idiot named Tyler has been exposing the brand to an audience that was not previously interested in it.  Despite the hype, with the assistance of my buddy Hong, I was able to get my hands on some of the best items from the first drop.  Initially I was anticipating a number of items including the leopard safari and wool camp caps and the miner's jacket but unfortunately, they were not to be found at the first drop.

What did release however was the Supreme x Bad Boy Records key chain and Notorious B.I.G. t-shirt, the Clint Eastwood 'Outlaw' t-shirt and the canvas, real tree and velvet polka-dot camp caps.  I got my hands on the Biggie and Clint tees as well as a blue canvas camp cap.  Photos below.