Unique New York: Michigan State Fair Party

Yes, the name of this post might sound slightly confusing, but allow me to explain.  Each month The Bell House in Brooklyn is doing a party with a specific state as the theme.  This month is Michigan and a great party/hilarity are sure to ensue.  Get trashed on beers imported from the Great Lakes State, which are half price if you have a Michigan ID (time to dig out your fake from college, that was a Michigan ID right?).  There's Michigan trivia (state soil: Kalkaska sand, don't forget it) and a prize wheel but best of all, there's an Eminem look-a-like contest.  We're sure to see a lot of white thugs from Park Slope... wait...no... but maybe they'll take the subway in for the contest.  Sounds like a blast to me!!

Hit the party this Sunday from 3-7pm.

The Bell House
149 7th St.
Gowanus, Brooklyn