Jeans!: Neighborhood 2011 Black Icon Savage Narrow
Neighborhood released their first rendition of the Black Icon Savage in 2007 as a more limited alternative to the standard level-4 release for that season. Since then, the B.I. jeans have become an annual release. The Icon represents a darker aesthetic than the other savage jeans- the patching, scarring and fading are all black and the denim itself is produced to really look like it's taken a beating and then reconstructed. Once of the most unique features of ever pair of B.I. Savage is that patches of denim have been removed and replaced with fabric to really set them apart from every other pair of black jeans on the market. This year's pair are one of the best releases since the originals four years ago.
Take a close look at the 2011 Icons by clicking on the link below.
Like all Neighborhood jeans, the emphasis is in the details. Small accents all over the denim go a long way to making them a head-turning pair when worn. The wash is more severe than the past few seasons creating a better contrast but also making the denim look a bit more grey than black. Like many of the Icons, the waistband and the back pocket have been replaced with cloth to give the appearance of reconstruction. Sizing is true to the standard Neighborhood narrow cut, which means if you have skinny legs you can fit them to your normal waist size, but if you have normal legs, it's in your best interest to size up. I normally wear size small deep mid or deep narrow, but for normal narrow cut, I move up to size medium. Neighborhood might still have a couple pairs in stock, but you may have better luck checking Yahoo Japan or waiting until the western hemisphere gets our release in the next month or so.
Photo credits go to our contributor The Locust.