Photographer Focus: Tiziana Gualano

Tiziana' photos capture a perfect, tranquil moment in time. I feel like just looking at these photos brings my blood pressure back down to normal. Take a deep breath in, a deep breath out, and have a moment of peace if only for a minute while you peruse her work. Tiziana says she lives in a small, boring town, but it looks pretty special to me. Check out more of her work on Flickr



 Foggia, Italy

favorite camera

 My lovely Zenit ( I have more than one, so it's hard to choose)

random fact about yourself

 A few years ago I wanted to join the army

favorite subject matter to shoot

 Friends and children too. (their expressions tells me a lot of things)

photographers you admire

 Saul Leiter, Man Ray, Luigi Ghirri, Augusto de Luca.

what makes a great photo

 Every single detail, subject, the mood.

what makes a terrible photo

 Those who believe not in photography but in post- production

why do you love photography

 It's like a hand, a leg or a foot. It's part of me, it's in me.

do you do any other art?

 I'm a very creative person, sometimes I draw (but I'm not good at it)